
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Dealing with the Homosexual Condition inside the Christian Church Research Paper

Dealing with the Homosexual Condition inside the Christian Church - Research Paper Example During prime time television, it is ok to see women kissing other women and men â€Å"living together† with their fellow men and many find these shows a reflection of the real world. Many gay couples are now officially married and have a wonderful â€Å"family† together by adopting and giving unwanted and orphaned children homes. A few decades back people would have been thrown into dumpsters for dressing in drag but now it is now common to see gays everywhere and expressing who they are in whatever manner they seem fit. All of us have people we know who are part of the LGBT community and we are even friends with some. Being Christians, we are expected by society and by the Almighty to adhere to certain values and make it the foundation of our decisions and judgments (Article 7). With the outpouring of support for the LGBT community, Christians and the Church are often the target of criticism for not being open and welcoming to homosexuals. Many Christians are labeled a s homophobes and it’s as if the tides have turned for the church and the LGBT Community. The Holy Scriptures serves as our guide in dealing with moral issues including that of homosexuality however, there is still contention on how the church should act with regards to homosexuals who are outside and inside the church. Where does compassion end and where will fortitude draw the line in dealing with the homosexual condition inside the church? What is the right attitude for us Catholics with regards to the acceptance of homosexuals in our communities and other denominations? And for homosexuals inside the Church, how should they see themselves and how should they respond to the redemption given to us by Jesus’ suffering on the cross? I. The Stand of the Church on Homosexuality For the Catholic Church, the practice of homosexuality is a grave sin. That was well established in the Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons (Ratz inger). But it is also stipulated in the document circular that these brothers and sisters should still be treated with respect as is due every person created by God and helped through pastoral care to pursue chastity. The Christian world is considerably a lot kinder to the homosexuals these days but that was not the case in the past. There may have been some actions of the Christian community that promoted stigma and injustice towards people that has this sexual condition. This stigma caused alienation of the homosexual from the faith and does not cater to their spiritual needs (Calimlim 18-19). A. Traditional Means of Dealing with Homosexuality by the Church Contrary to what most supporters of homosexuality might say, the Bible is very explicit in the condemning of homosexual acts as sin. When God created man in His own image He made the distinction that â€Å"†¦man and woman, He created them† (Genesis1:27) – God created only 2 sexes and nothing in between and t he only meaningful, sexual relationship that the Lord sanctified for people is in the context of marriage between man and woman. The Lord’s destructive wrath and judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19 was caused largely by the lust that the men had for their same sex in those cities –

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